Monday, October 13, 2008

In the "nut house" - day 3

By my third day in the psych ward, I am getting into the routine and feeling pretty much numb to the whole situation. When they come and knock on my door at 6:30am to take my vitals - I am ready. When they knock on my door regarding the different groups - I am ready. I don't always go, but I am ready. When the trays come with our meals - I am ready. When the nurses start yelling for a naked patient to go back into his/her room and put some clothes on - I am ready, or at least prepared. Nothing that happens in here shocks me anymore. Can you believe a man urinated right in the middle of the tv room? I could! It happened today! I just went back in my room and let the nurses handle the situation.

I find myself doing a lot of crossword puzzles and word finds since I have been here. For me, there is not much else that I want to do. They had CNN on in the tv room today and the news anchor begins to talk about a plane crash in Spain that killed over 100 people. Okay! That's enough for me to get up and go into my room. I do not watch the news, it's too depressing for me.

Later that evening, my doc comes and sees me. I tell him that I am not sleeping. "Really, even with 200mg of Seroquel?" he tells me in a very surprised tone of voice. So he ups my dosage to 300mg for the remainder of my stay. "That should help you sleep" he tells me. I sure hope so. I ask him when can I go home. He tells me it will be a few more days. Oh, God! I don't know if I can stand a few more days in here. He says it's for my own good...

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