Sunday, July 25, 2010

Second Guessing

I believe there comes a time during the withdrawal process that one begins to second guess if this was the correct decision.  Whether you made the decision on your own, or if it was made for you (ran out of meds, couldn't pay for them, etc.), the feelings of regret kick in. ...  Can I really make it without (insert drug name here)?
That's pretty much what I am experiencing now.  It's been a little over  a month Cymbalta free and I am feeling on the low end as far as my emotions are concerned - but after the terrible withdrawal that I have been through - do I really want to go back again?  I think not!  So the question I need to ask myself is, how do I support a healthy mindset so that I don't get sucked back into the black hole?  Well, I have a few ideas:

  • writing;
  • reading, but keep it light (think fashion/gossip mags or funny/romance books);
  • exercise -which in various studies has been shown to work BETTER than antidepressants;
  • playing with the kids (if you don't have any, play with your friends' or neighbors' children);
  • more girls' night out (or, if you are a guy, make the appropriate adjective change);
  • a new hobby, or even an old hobby that you may haven't nurtured in a long time and;
  • video games - puzzle, shooter, action, RPG, racing, whatever suits you
This is a good starting point, I'm sure you can think of more.

Now, I'm off to read OK! Magazine.

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