Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cymbalta Come Down

About a month ago, I ran out of my beloved Cymbalta. The first week went okay, but by the second week I was miserable. It was about this time that I decided that I was through with taking this medication. Here's a little bit about how it's been going so far.

Oh, Cymbalta, I loved thee - but after this month of misery I will never pop another one of your beautiful, ocean-blue pills into my mouth again!

The nausea, nightsweats, shakes and anxiousness that kept me awake...
My mood swings and crying spells were just too much to take.
Joint pain and muscle weakness - could you give me a break?
All I want is to be free from your tight embrace!
Thoughts of suicide no longer swim in my head.
My life is amazing and I don't want to be dead.
In fact I'm moving forward -striving to new heights.
But now that I don't need you anymore, you still put up a fight.
Like an abusive lover who does not want me to leave.
Not having you has beat me down recently.
Let me go! Let me go!
Is all that I scream
For I am sooooo determined to break free.
Don't get me wrong, Cymbalta. I appreciate you.
For all the tough times, that you helped me get through.
The time is now, for me though, to move on.
I won't forget you or the road we tread on.

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