Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New birth

I called this post "new birth" because since I began writing this blog I feel like I have been reborn. The depressed, scared person that I was has retreated back into her shell. This is the eve of my birthday and I feel like a new person. I am the butterfly that has come out of the cocoon and spread its wings, ready to take off! I know. I know. That sounds sooo corny, but you know what? I don't care, it is the truth.

Now, of course this has not been an easy process. The past 2 years were filled with difficulties; therapists, doctors, Paxil withdrawl,weight gain, psychiatrist, sleeplessness and a hospital stay to name a few- but going through the struggle has made me stronger.

I feel like I am beginning to understand this depression thing more - instead of just trying to deny and bury why I feel the way I do. Maybe that is the key to overcoming this thing. Instead of reisiting and being in denial (like I did for so long), just raise your hands to the sky and ask for help. When you feel like life cannot get any lower and you are just too tired to go on, remember that there is always an opening at the end of that long, black tunnel. Just as you emereged from your mother's womb into this world, breathing for the first time, living life and seeing the light - you will emerege from this struggle, breathing again, living life and seeing the light. It will be your rebirth.

1 comment:

Urban Bushwoman said...

Lovin' this post, girl. How appropriate for your b-day.